domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

Dancing with Yervant & Annie in Venice

Flying and Walking with Yervant :D

The group...playing at the street and waiting for George :P

I just came back to Spain a few days ago...and i still feel im in Venice...i cant stop eating pasta and some tomato and mozarella salad...

All i can say is...that magic...and they make feel the magic to all the people around them...and specially if you already believe in magic...then...its an incredible experience...

I started my week without my bag...they lost it i got Venice just with my camara and my more clothes than the ones i was wearing...

But...what can you do...start crying and not enjoying being in venice...NO way...
I was on my way from the airport to the city in that noisy vaporeto and i was asking the Sky while i was doing pics to the sunsent...please...send me a sign...that everything will be allright...

and then...i saw a graffity on a wall....Susi..ti amo i te amare sempre...el tuo...

( what it means...Susi...i love you and i will love you forever...) can you imaging that ??? i was about to cry...magic was in the air...and that message was there for meeeeee :D

So...this was the beginning of this amazing week i had in venice with my master Yervant and his sweet wife Annie :D

I miss them all already...

i leave here a couple of shoots and i will post some more soon :D

Smile a freeee :D


martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

Being a Wedding Photographer

La fotografía ha estado siempre presente en mi vida. Mi padre es fotógrafo. Desde que tengo uso de razón me recuerdo jugando bajo aquella luz roja de su cuarto oscuro, observando cómo, por arte de magia, un trozo de papel blanco se transformaba poco a poco en unos ojos, en unos labios, en un rostro. Sorprendiéndome al ver cómo un simple papel se convertía en algo lleno de vida. Mi padre, consciente de la inestabilidad laboral de esta profesión, me animó a estudiar algo con mas futuro: ‘’Derecho’’. Y en ello estuve durante cinco años. A pesar de todo, yo intuía que aquel ‘’futuro’’ no tenía nada que ver conmigo, y me lo confirmaba el día a día. Por ejemplo, durante mis clases de Derecho Romano, me perdía mirando la luz que entraba por la ventana…iluminando al profesor Murga de una manera un tanto dramática… Ahí creo que empezó mi obsesión por la luz. Algunas personas tocan el violín, escriben o pintan para sentirse vivos. Yo necesito expresarme a través de mis fotos, inmortalizar recuerdos que a veces olvida mi memoria. Imagino que te pasa lo que a mi, cada vez que miro una de esas imágenes me transporto a ese preciso momento y de nuevo experimento las mismas sensaciones. Como fotógrafa he tocado diferentes estilos. Desde pasar interminables horas de guardia como paparazzi, hasta sumergirme en ese glamoroso mundo de la moda. Pero lo que realmente me llena es estar rodeada de personas que aún creen en el amor… Así que ahora me dedico a las bodas, me valgo de mi experiencia profesional y hago, ni más ni menos, todo lo que yo le pediría que hiciese al fotógrafo de mi propia boda: intentar captar la atmósfera de ese día, los abrazos, besos, sonrisas, miradas, en una palabra: EL AMOR. Este trabajo me permite hacer realidad otra de mis pasiones, viajar por el mundo, conocer y aprender cómo se expresa ese amor en otras culturas. Unas vivencias que han abierto mi mente. Gracias a ellas he descubierto inesperados matices de mi creatividad. En esencia eso es lo que hago, voy mas allá del concepto tradicional de fotos de boda, impregno mi trabajo de un estilo muy personal y artístico. Intento sorprenderte, mostrarte instantes que se te escaparon por el ajetreo y los nervios, quizás los mas emotivos, los detalles que convirtieron ese día en uno de los mas importantes de tu vida, y que a mi me emocionaron… MI reto es hacer que tu boda sea ÚNICA.

Photography has been always in my life as a constant. My father is a professional Photographer himself. Since I am able to remember I picture myself playing under that red light from my father's dark room observing how, like by magic art, a piece of paper was drawing little by little a pair of eyes, lips, a face. I remember feeling strikingly surprised witnessing that simple piece of paper becoming something so full of life. My father, more than conscious of the unsteadiness of the profession, encouraged me to study something with a future: Law. And so I have done it for about five years.
In spite all, I knew in my heart “that future” has got nothing to do with me, and day after day I have reconfirmed the feeling. Like during my Roman Law classes when I used to get lost with the sunlight entering throughout the window, illuminating the teacher in an almost dramatic way. Then and there, my obsession for the light started.
Some people play the violin, write or paint to feel alive. I undoubtedly need to express myself through my camera, immortalizing memories that my head tends to forget. I imagine YOU feel as I do, every time I look at one of those images I get instantly transported to that precise moment, being able to relive over and over the very same feelings.
As a Photographer I have gone through different styles. From standing as a guardian endless hours like a paparazzi, to plunge in the glamorous fashion world. But what really fulfills me after all is to be surrounded by people that still believe in love.
Thus, I came to do Weddings, with my professional experience as supporting source. I do, not least than what I would asked to my Wedding photographer to do for me: to try to capture the atmosphere of that special day, the hugs, kisses, smiles, teary eyes, in one word: THE LOVE.
This job has also allowed me to travel around the globe, getting to know the way love is expressed by different cultures. These vast experiences have opened my mind beyond any expectation I have ever had, taking myself towards unexpected corners of creativity.
What I do therefore is to go farther away from the traditional concept of Wedding pictures, soaking my work in a very personal and artistic style. I try to surprise you, to show you instants you have missed in the riot and nervousness, maybe the most emotional, the details that made that day in one of the most important of your life, and that have touched me to the bone.

My challenge is to make your Wedding UNIQUE.